Group Adaptive/Therapeutic Riding Instructor Coaching
Group Adaptive/Therapeutic Riding Instructor Coaching
Instructors, Instructors in Training (and their mentors) can schedule a group remote coaching/mentoring call with Saebra of Hoof Falls & Footfalls. Meetings must consist of 2 or more individuals to qualify for the group discount rate. Each individual attending meeting uses this link to check out.
Schedule your meeting at:
Use this item to pay for :
- Group certification exam prep/study session
- CTRI certification video pre-submission video reviews & coaching (second+ videos)
- Any group remote EAS certification (PATH Intl. and CHA) mentoring/coaching zoom meetings
- Equine Assisted Services industry coaching and consulting group zoom meetings
- Group intensive adaptive/therapeutic riding instructor development coaching by zoom meeting
Meeting details and zoom link will be sent by email once payment is received.
Note #1: Current members of The Intuitive Instructor Club get 10% group remote coaching/mentoring services! Make sure to contact Saebra for the discount code before checking out (
Cancellation Policy: Payment if final once submitted and will not be refunded in the event of a cancelation. There is a strict 48 hour cancellation policy. Meetings cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will be charged and not eligible for reschedule. A meeting cancelled with 48+ notice may only be rescheduled once.